Cyber Risk: Ethics, New Cyber Regulations and the Insurance Industry
On January 12, in its Stamford office, Day Pitney held a 2-part, complimentary CLE program on cybersecurity issues facing the insurance industry. The first presentation by Jed Davis, William Goddard and Eliza Sporn Fromberg, addressed the new challenges for companies doing business in New York, following the recent issuance by the New York State Department of Financial Services of highly detailed and demanding cybersecurity regulations, slated to go into effect on March 1, 2017. The second presentation, by Davis, Dan Wenner, Elizabeth Latif and Steven Cash, built on the first to address ethical and other legal quandaries for attorneys responding to suspected data breaches, and advance preparations that can reduce these issues' severity.
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Day Pitney CLE Seminar, Stamford, CT