In the Media
15th Annual International Estate Planning Institute
Warren Whitaker will be serving as chair of the 15th Annual International Estate Planning Institute, hosted by the New York State Bar Association and The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners USA (STEP USA). Whitaker has chaired the program every year since its inception. The annual event will gather trust and estate practitioners, bankers and accountants from around the world to hear the leaders in their fields exchange ideas and discuss developments in international estate planning.
In addition to chairing the Institute, Whitaker will be co-presenting a session, "Planning for Canadians With U.S. Beneficiaries and/or U.S. Assets." Day Pitney attorneys Dina Kapur Sanna and Carl Merino will also be co-presenting sessions, "Nuts and Bolts of Domesticating Foreign Trust Structures" and "U.S. Owners of Closely Held Foreign Businesses: GILTI as Charged," respectively.
Other topics to be covered include ethical considerations, cryptocurrency, international charitable giving and U.S. tax deductions, and private trust companies.
For more information and to register, please visit the NYSBA event page.