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Mark Williams advises and represents energy companies and their investors in Federal energy industry corporate, financial, securities, and transactional regulatory matters before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  He acts for private equity fund managers, generating company fleets, lenders, sovereign and other governmental investors, and project developers, as transaction-specific or as regular portfolio counsel.

Mark has represented investors in transactions involving over 44,000 MW of electric generation capacity and more than 29,000 miles of natural gas pipelines. He has played a critical role in protecting regulatory exemptions for renewable and high-efficiency qualifying facilities. Mark has also guided buyers and sellers of generating assets and interests through regulatory strategy and formal application processes. Over the past decade, he has consistently maintained one or more M&A applications before FERC, where he has successfully defended clients, including private equity and insurance investors, in high-profile cases such as FERC's 2003–2004 Enron proceedings, leading to the public exoneration of his clients.

In addition to his work in private practice, Mark served as the sole attorney in the Division of Corporate Applications at FERC. There, he advised on mergers, divestitures, financings, and independent power projects, leading over 100 commission orders on regulatory matters. Mark also spearheaded FERC's review of generation facility sales, utility restructuring transactions, and Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) proposals, including the acquisition of a U.S. utility by a foreign entity.


No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the highest court of any state. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

FERC counsel of record to two national fund complexes in their acquisition and management of fleets of over 50 generating companies

Advise major insurance holding company owning over 15,000 MW of U.S. electric generation in sale and disposition to global investment management complex

Advise private equity funds, advisers, and managers invested in U.S. generation and transmission businesses on inter-fund transactions and sales of managers and advisers.

Advise major distributed renewable energy developer in its initial public offering

Represent a large generating company in FERC enforcement proceedings, leading to favorable findings and a dismissal of the investigation

Advise foreign governmental investor in acquisition of interests in two major US utility system

Advise private equity fund seller and major generating company in sale to state instrumentality

Advise private equity fund seller and major generating company in sale to investor-owned utility

Advise private equity fund seller and major generating company fleet in sale of controlling interests in facilities in eight states

Advise and represent investors and targets in over 100 FERC-regulated merger, acquisition, securities, and change-in-control proceedings

Represent creditors and distressed energy companies in FERC proceedings authorizing bankruptcy court actions and alternative restructurings

Education and Credentials


  • New York Law School, J.D.
  • Columbia University, B.A.


  • District of Columbia
  • State of New York
  • U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia

Recognition and Community

No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the highest court of any state. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. See Awards Methodology.


Chosen for inclusion in the Chambers USA Legal Directory (Chambers & Partners) of recognized practitioners for Energy: Electricity (Regulatory & Litigation) Nationwide, 2007-2024

Chosen for inclusion in the Chambers Global (Chambers & Partners) for Energy: Electricity (Regulatory & Litigation), 2012-2024

Chosen for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America (Woodward/White, Inc.), Project Finance Law

Community Involvement

Member, American Bar Association

Commissioner, City Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Authority, City of Alexandria, VA (Term 2002–2020; Chairman, 2012–2020)

Trustee, Foundation of the Energy Law Journal (2011–2014)

Energy Bar Association: Vice Chair (2008–2010) and Chair (2010–2011) Committee on Professional Development and Ethics; Vice Chair, Chair-elect, and Chair, Committee on Finance and Transactions (2005–2007); Co-chair, Programs and Meetings Committee (2005–2006); Conference Chair, National Legislative Program (2005); Elected Member, Board of Directors (2002–2005); Founding Chair, Committee on Finance and Transactions (1999–2000); Chair, Committee on FERC Administration and Reorganization (1998–1999

Adviser to US Congress, House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform and Paperwork Reduction (105th Congress) in connection with national electric-sector oversight hearings (1998)

In The Media


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