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February 21, 2023

Chambers Global 2023 Ranks Day Pitney's Energy Practice Group and Attorneys

Day Pitney's Energy practice group, as well as three of its Energy attorneys, are recognized in the 2023 edition of Chambers Global*. The firm, as well as David T. Doot, Joseph H. Fagan and Evan Reese, are ranked in the U.S. Energy: Electricity (Regulatory & Litigation) category and Fagan is also ranked in the U.S. Energy: Oil & Gas (Regulatory & Litigation) category.

According to Chambers Global, the firm's Energy team is "always responsive and provides a high level of service," and  "are well-prepared strategic subject-matter experts." Doot, who is ranked in Band 1, is "always thinking steps ahead to assure the client is served well." Fagan "has a collegial and trusted reputation in the industry that allows him to navigate favorable settlements in complex and litigious matters." Reese is noted for being "a very good electricity regulatory practitioner." These attorneys and the practice were also recognized in the same categories for Chambers USA – Nationwide 2022 rankings.

*Chambers Global results are issued by Chambers and Partners. A description of the selection methodology can be found here.

No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the highest court of any state. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.


Related Practices and Industries


David T. Doot
David T. Doot
Of Counsel
Hartford, CT
| (860) 275-0102
Joseph H. Fagan
Joseph H. Fagan
Washington, D.C.
| (202) 218-3901
Evan C. Reese III
Evan C. Reese III
Washington, D.C.
| (202) 218-3917

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Press Contact

Elyse Blazey Gentile
Director of Communications


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