Day Pitney's Renewable Energy Team Completed Two Major Transmission Siting Filings for Mayflower Wind Energy
Day Pitney Renewable Energy Attorneys completed two major transmission siting filings in Massachusetts and Rhode Island related to a second 1,200 MW offshore wind transmission connector project for Mayflower Wind Energy LLC (Mayflower Wind), a major developer of offshore wind energy generation and related transmission projects. The project will enable delivery of energy from Mayflower Wind's offshore wind generation resource, with an estimated capacity of 2,400 MW, being developed in federal waters off the southern coast of New England to the regional transmission system at a point of interconnection at Brayton Point in Somerset, Massachusetts. The project will deliver large amounts of renewable clean energy to meet Massachusetts and regional public policy requirements for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the development of the offshore wind industry as a major resource in the energy supply mix. The project will pass through Rhode Island on route to Brayton Point and, therefore, siting approval requests have been filed in both Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
The Day Pitney team involved in the permitting and related transmission work include Eric Runge, Margaret Czepiel and Sophia Browning, primarily on the energy, state environmental and regulatory side, and William Pezzoni and Gemma Cashman, primarily on the real estate and land use side. In addition to the state permitting work, they also advised on FERC regulatory matters, including interconnection, and various transactional matters related to the development of Mayflower Wind's offshore wind generation and associated transmission connector projects.
Energy Facility Siting Board filings can be found in EFSB 22-04 and the Department of Public Utilities filings can be found in DPU 22-67/22-68.