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August 7, 2020

Good Help Is (Still) Hard to Find in Legal IT and Cybersecurity

Kermit Wallace, CIO of Day Pitney, was quoted in Legaltech News article, "Good Help Is (Still) Hard to Find in Legal IT and Cybersecurity." The article notes that the pool of legal-specific IT professionals in the market has always been shallow, but the rapid shift to remote working and other changes the industry has encountered post COVID-19 could make finding talented cybersecurity professionals even more difficult.

Wallace pointed out that many recruiters that law firms have previously collaborated with to find cybersecurity talent may have gone out of business during the general hiring freeze that accompanied the earliest days of the pandemic. He also postulated that the IT job candidates who are still on the market may be there for a reason, "because, not to be crass about it, but if they weren't employed or they couldn't get employed during this - and they are supposedly cybersecurity experts - they may not be the right candidate."

The full article is available here.


Kermit Wallace
Kermit Wallace
Chief Information Officer
Parsippany, NJ
| (973) 966-8015

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Elyse Blazey Gentile
Director of Communications


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