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In the Media

Publisher: Private Asset Management
March 3, 2017

Awash With Uncertainty, Advisers Scramble to Prepare for Potential Tax Overhaul

David Silvian was quoted in an article, "Awash with uncertainty, advisers scramble to prepare for potential tax overhaul," published in Private Asset Management. The article discusses that while Congress has not yet announced a tax plan, advisers are working with their high-net-worth clients and implementing wealth plans related to potential changes in the current tax code. Silvian told Private Asset Management that one "big question" on most people's minds is whether the estate and gift tax will be repealed or left in place. For clients who are involved and affected by corporate tax cuts, Silvian said he is finding many corporate transactions and family financial planning elements are currently on hold. "So much of estate planning is driven by succession planning and selling a business, which are all impacted by corporate taxes," he said.


David L. Silvian
David L. Silvian
Boston, MA
| (617) 345-4655

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