In the Media
Winery Sues NJ Turnpike Authority to Defend Right to Use Logo
Richard Brown was quoted in an article, "Winery Sues NJ Turnpike Authority to Defend Right to Use Highway Sign in Logo," in The New Jersey Law Journal. In the article, Brown discusses a trademark battle between a New Jersey local winery, Old York Cellars of Ringoes and the New Jersey Turnpike Authority. The winery's best argument against trademark infringement is the minimal likelihood of confusion between a transportation agency and a business that makes and sells wine because they have a separate customer base, Brown said. "Ultimately, if these cases continue, there'll be a developing body of law. But in the context of what the government can do and can't do in terms of getting trademark protection on various things, in some sense they're no different than a private party," Brown said. "I think you'll find, as time goes on, there will be more of these cases and you'll get a better defined body of law with respect to government entities and trademarks."