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Publisher: Bloomberg BNA
April 19, 2016

D.C. Circuit to Hear Oral Arguments on Dominion LNG Facility

Joe Fagan was quoted in an article, "D.C. Circuit to Hear Oral Arguments on Dominion LNG Facility," in Bloomberg BNA. Fagan said he believes that the Dominion Cove Point LNG export project will  go forward even though EarthReports Inc., the Sierra Club and the Chesapeake Climate Action Network will argue in federal appeals court that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission didn't assess indirect environmental effects when it approved the project. "In some cases at least, the Sierra Club may get what it wants by virtue that some of the projects they oppose aren't going to move forward because of economics, not because of environmental issues," he said. "So if you can delay what [companies are] trying to do by tying them up in litigation or whatnot, or creating any uncertainty with respect to whether or not they can go forward, you may achieve a result that you are hoping for—even if you don't win in court or at the FERC," he added.


Joseph H. Fagan
Joseph H. Fagan
Washington, D.C.
| (202) 218-3901

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