Thought Leadership
November 30, 2023
Generations Fall 2023 - Massachusetts Releases Millionaires Tax Guidance
Last month, the Massachusetts Department of Revenue published guidance on its website related to the recently enacted "millionaires tax." The guidance, which is presented in a FAQs format, addresses several critical questions that taxpayers and advisers have been asking since the new surtax became law. While the guidance is not very taxpayer-friendly, it at least helps taxpayers understand the rules, which is a critical condition for any type of effective tax planning.
For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2023, Massachusetts taxpayers will be required to pay an additional 4 percent surtax on net income in excess of $1 million. This new surtax, which many refer to as the "millionaires tax," was passed by voters last November in the form of a ballot initiative. We previously discussed here the passage and anticipated impact of the millionaires tax. Between then and now, many questions have arisen as to how the new surtax would work. For example, it was unclear whether the tax applied to trusts or whether certain credits or elections to alleviate the impact of the tax would be made available. These types of issues have made it difficult for taxpayers who are subject to the millionaires tax to plan, and until recently, the Department of Revenue had not issued any material guidance on it.
The Department of Revenue's FAQs page addresses many of these open issues. Here are some of the key takeaways from the FAQs page:
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- The millionaires tax applies to trusts and estates.
- Gain from the sale of a primary residence could be subject to the millionaires tax.
- Taxpayers cannot rely on the pass-through entity tax program to achieve the economic benefit of a deduction for millionaires taxes paid.
- Taxpayers who pay taxes in other high-tax states (e.g., New York, California) cannot take the millionaires tax into account when calculating their nonresident tax credit.
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