In the Media
Interconnection Is the Word of the Decade – What Do Recent FERC and State Orders Mean for DER and Transmission Project Development?
On March 7, Day Pitney Energy Associate Margaret Czepiel is moderating the "Interconnection Is the Word of the Decade – What Do Recent FERC and State Orders Mean for DER and Transmission Project Development?" panel at the 2024 NECA Energy Conference. Panelists include Barry Ahern (National Grid), Kat Cox-Arslan (New Leaf Energy, Inc.), Sheila Keane (NESCOE) and Weezie Nuara (MA EEA). These experts will talk about the challenges of and solutions for integrating renewable resources into the bulk power system in light of FERC's Order 2023 and ISO-NE's 2050 Transmission Study.
The conference is being held at the Marriott Boston Downtown.
To learn more about the event, or to register, click here.