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December 10, 2019

CT-UTC 101 (What Every Trust Officer Wants To Know About the CT-UTC But Is Afraid To Ask...)

On December 10, Tiana Gianopulos co-presented a seminar, entitled "CT-UTC 101 (What Every Trust Officer Wants To Know About the CT-UTC But Is Afraid To Ask...)," hosted by the Connecticut Bankers Association and held at the Marriott Hotel in Farmington, CT. The program provided an overview of the Connecticut Uniform Trust Code (CT-UTC) and highlighted the provisions that will have the greatest impact on trust administration professionals. In addition, it focused on two companion pieces of legislation, the Connecticut Uniform Directed Trust Act and the Connecticut Qualified Dispositions in Trust Act, which will provide corporate fiduciaries with new opportunities for servicing their trust clients.


Christiana N. Gianopulos
Christiana N. Gianopulos
West Hartford, CT
| (860) 313-5708

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Elyse Blazey Gentile
Director of Communications


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