In the Media
Federal Tax Institute of New England
October 24, 2019
Partners Edward Krzanowski, Tiana Gianopulos and Daniel Gottfried spoke at the 2019 Federal Tax Institute of New England, a CLE program presented by the Estates and Probate Section and the Tax Section of the Connecticut Bar Association and held in Portland, CT. Geared towards the estate planning and tax communities, this annual Institute featured discussions on cutting-edge tax and estate planning issues, including tax implications and concerns under the new Connecticut Uniform Trust Code (UTC).
The session entitled "Basics of The New Connecticut Uniform Trust Code" was co-presented by Krzanowski and provided an overview of the expanded Rule Against Perpetuities and the three new acts: the UTC; the Uniform Directed Trust Act and the Domestic Asset Protection Trust (DAPT) Act.
Gianopulos gave a presentation, "The Connecticut Uniform Directed Trust Act: The Basics," which focused on the new Connecticut Uniform Directed Trust Act as part of the UTC and the opportunities it presents as well as planning and drafting considerations for Connecticut directed trusts.
Gottfried co-presented a session, entitled "Qualified Business Stock," which focused on the tax benefits available for qualified small business stock and addressed the requirements, gain exclusion and rollover, and planning opportunities as well as traps for the unwary.