Day Pitney's Startup Program for Family Offices and Venture Investors: Cyber and Analytics <br /><em>Connecting Cutting-Edge Companies with Potential Investors</em>
Day Pitney LLP, together with the State of Israel and PDB FutureCom International, hosted a unique, invitation-only Startup Program for early-stage cybersecurity and analytics investors at the Cornell Club of New York.
Day Pitney partner David Waizer, who leads the firm's Startup Initiative, Day Pitney Launch, welcomed the more than 70 attendees and provided opening remarks along with R. Scott Beach, Chair of Day Pitney's Corporate and Business Law department and head of its Family Office practice.
Starting with more than 200 companies, a committee narrowed the pool down to nine early-stage cybersecurity and analytics companies that appeared to be the most promising and met stringent criteria. Paul Bloom, CEO of PDB FutureCom International, introduced the qualifying companies at the program: Acreto, Axonius, Coronet, IDRRA, Intelligo, iXDen, Protected Media, UrbanScan and WeavingThings.
Each company gave a five-minute presentation on their solutions to the audience of family offices and early-stage investors. Following the presentations, attendees had an opportunity to network and see demos of the solutions firsthand at stations set up throughout the venue.
The program can be viewed here.
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The Cornell Club of New York, New York, NY